What is RURAL?
Rural is defined as settlements with fewer than 10,000 people.
We think it's a small place, a village, with a community space, village hall, chapel, school, post office, mobile shops. It might be the distance from cultural opportunities, in the middle of nowhere, not passing through, off major roads, where others don’t go, few buses, occasional shops, a pub, mobile library service.
Who Can we ask?
Tourist offices
Council archives
Local Arts Officers
Planning officers
Rural artists
Accessibilty partnerships
Local Studies Library- Derby
Matlock Archive
Library Services-What is the route of the mobile library service?
Local interest groups- Women's Institute, BRAG
Who might sponsor us?
Letters to Bike Shops- Edinburgh, Wiggle, JE James, outdoor shops
Bike Manufacturers- Derby Mercian
Cycling weekly- letter and blog
Vegan cycling
SUStrans- Bike Belles
British Cycling
Olympic committee
Fitness Magazines
Environmental support/charities
Arts Officers
What shall we do next?Find a bike...